With a single sign-up, select the products that best suit your liquidity requirements and benefit from our exclusive interest rates.
Single sign-up process
Save time and energy by opening and managing all your savings accounts in one place. No need to spend hours scouring the internet for appealing savings rates.
Secure platform
24/7 availability, two-step authentication, and dual authorisation for secure transactions. Your funds are exclusively held in your name and can only be withdrawn to the designated account from the platform.
Better protection
Enhance your FSCS protection eligibility by spreading your savings across multiple banks all at the click of a button. All UK-based banks on the Insignis Cash platform are members of the UK Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS).
Friendly support
Our Client Services team are based in the UK and are always on hand to address any queries you may have or help you through your journey. For example, we can send you a helpful reminder when any of your fixed-term products come to a maturity.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can open an Insignis Cash account?
To open an account, all the beneficiaries must be:
Over 18 years old (unless in the case of a trust)
UK citizens
Permanent UK residents (residency permit will be required where the client is not a UK citizen)
UK incorporated legal entities or arrangements
UK tax-payers
Please note we cannot open accounts for any individuals living outside the UK or US Persons submitting tax returns to the US Inland Revenue Service (IRS).
Do you only offer individual and joint accounts?
We offer over 26 client types, including corporates, charities,trusts, power of attorney, court of protection, SIPPs, SSASs, andmore.
What documents are required to open an account?
We require appropriate verification of identity and address for personal customers. For legal entities or arrangements, we needidentification and verification of beneficial owners, controllingparties, and business activities. Evidence of the source of funds andassessment of source of wealth are also necessary. Additionalinformation or documentation may be required to meet regulatoryrequirements.
Do I have to change my current day-to-day banking provider?
No, you do not need to change your current daily banking relationships, unless you have accounts with a provider not on appearing on the Bank of England’s list of authorised banks.
You can deposit and place surplus cash on our platform while keeping day-to-day transactions with your existing banking provider.
Do you offer accounts in other currencies?
We offer US dollar and Euro accounts across our individual, joint, corporate, charity and trust accounts.
Do you accept paper application forms?
We accept paper application forms, although processing may take longer to process.
Do you conduct anti-money laundering checks on your clients?
We conduct anti-money laundering checks on all clients as required by banks the law and regulations that apply to us.
How secure is client data?
Client data, including personal and organisational information is encrypted using proprietary encryption methods. All Personal data is encrypted when data is at rest and access is only permitted to authorised personnel.
Access to the Cash Management Platform is secured using Strong Customer Authentication (SCA username, password, and PIN code sent to registered mobile).
Do you charge transaction fees or a sign-up fee?
Our only charge is the annual account service fee, which isbased on the total deposit, which is due monthly in arrears. There are no other fees for the Insignis Cash service.
How do you take your fee?
Once a client deposits funds into their Hub account, we setaside the annual account service fee and draw down monthlypayments in arrears from this fee reserve account. We charge a minimum of one quarter of the fees, after which fees arecharged pro rata. While the funds are in the fee reserve, theyremain in the client’s name. There are no other fees for theInsignis Cash service.
How long does it take for funds to appear in the Insignis Cash Hub account?
Funds can take up to one business day to appear in the Insignis Cash Hub account, provided they come from the client’s linked account with the correct reference. Clients receive an email notification once the funds are available to be placed.
How many people can have access to the corporate account?
You can have as many people as you would like with ‘view only’ access on the account and these individuals can be added once your Insignis Cash account is opened. In addition, when completing your application, you can choose to have either one (single authority) or two (dual authority) on the account. This/these individual/s will be responsible for adding, moving, and withdrawing funds from the Insignis Cash platform.
Can I open an account for a holding company?
You can open an Insignis Cash account for a holding company as well as trading companies.
Can I open multiple corporate accounts?
You can open multiple Insignis Cash corporate accounts for your different businesses, however, you will need to have separate email addresses for each account.
Do you only offer corporate accounts?
We offer multiple account types, including, but not limited to, individual, joint, charity, trust, and pension accounts. Please get in touch with info@insigniscash.com if you would like to open a second account.
Do you charge the banks or building societies that offer products on the Insignis Cash platform?
We don’t charge the banks or building societies that offer products on the Insignis Cash platform, meaning the client receives the full interest rate that the bank is offering. The only fee for the Insignis Cash service is out annual account service fee, which is based on your total deposit.
Start your online application today
Maximise returns on your cash savings and enhance your financial protection with a diversified cash deposit portfolio.